My blog is mostly about providing blogs about music, also whats going on in Studio 1215 and Dj Duece. And other interesting topics as well.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Industry News: The 7.5 Things You Need NOW for Social Network Success
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.Music Dealers My HomeDeal BoardBlogFAQLog OutBlog William's Music Dealers Artist Spotlight: Bilss - Day 4 of 5 (Wildcard)September 30, 2010, 6:48pm
Greetings guys, here again with the wonderful Bliss! Be sure to check out her Music Dealers profile as well!
What was the most ridiculous place you ever performed?
In a big Church... Not necessarily ridiculous but slightly odd considering I have the severe potty mouth of a sailor. *Massive expletive censorship required*
What would you say is your favorite alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverage?
Coffee & Tons of it!!!!
If you could be on any game show, US or international, which show would it be?
"Wipe Out" I love that show :)
If you could be genetically altered and merged with an animal, what animal would it be?
Well considering I've never actually contemplated merging with an animal... I'd rather merge with the Sun, Moon & Stars... But, oooooh genetically engineered if I had to... It would be an Eagle! But, my head on a eagle body may be a lil odd so my second choice would be a horse- on some Centaur shit :)
Comparing your life to any television show/movie past or present, what show would it be and why?
I would need a series to compare my life to honestly with many to be continued... Consider me "House" in one long ass "SNL" skit, including all the characters in the movie "Stand By Me"... I don't know what that means or if that actually makes any sense at all but it may possibly be close... Ha... And life is like "Fear & Loathing in Los Vegas" minus the drugs.
What would you say has been the greatest influence on your over all sound?
Definitely Life & Love
Have you worked with licensing companies before, if so, what makes Music Dealers sooooo much better?
*yes i have but music dealers is the shit....("was that what i was suppose to say"??) jk but seriously Music Dealers is awesome so far :)
It's 1 am, you are in the studio and are attacked by the most violent of hunger pangs. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
*Veggie burger & Fries
Have you had any type of formal musical training?
*Just my mother...she has an amaaaaazzing voice & i LOVE her :)
Are there any strange or weird practices you might have while working on your tracks?
*It use to be an energy drink & Orbitz bubblemint its just the drink makes me to spazzy lol
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
*Blessed ,Happy, & Loving Life creating what i love:)
:: Click Here To Check Out Bliss's Music Dealers Profile!! ::
.Topics: BlissMusic Dealers Artist Spotlight
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: The 7.5 Things You Need NOW for Social Network SuccessSeptember 30, 2010, 3:24pm
We came across this awesome blog dedicated to helping musicians achieve greater success and not only working harder but smarter. Check the link at the bottom of the post.
1. Myspace
Yes, we know many of you think Myspace is dead but it’s not. It is still the #1 music site. Most music industry professionals tell me they still go to Myspace first to check out an artist or band. At minimum you should keep your content current however I also advise artists and bands to continue using it to build and maintain relationships with fans. You can still attract people to your shows and get them to listen to your music through this site. I talk more about this topic on my blog at
2. Facebook
You should have a strong Facebook presence by developing a fan page (also known as Pages). Although it was not designed as a music site like Myspace, your fans are here. Yes, with over 400 million active users I guarantee you your audience is here conversing with friends, colleagues and family. Why not you? Be advised a fan page is separate from your personal profile. It is a public page promoting your music, business, brand or whatever. If you have a fan page in place, be sure to maximize your presence with a “welcome” and “buy music” page. You can do this using Facebook’s FBML application. I have found this to be extremely underutilized. So if you’re looking to set yourself apart from many others, this is the way to do it. See examples of customized fan pages I’ve done at
3. Twitter
When it comes to Twitter I find that people either really love it or just don’t get it. Again, this is simply another place where your fans gather so you do not want to dismiss it. If you find Twittering is not for you, you can have your Facebook posts automatically go to Twitter. I think it’s very important to maintain a presence here even if it’s minimal. The key is to put out good, useful content for your friends and fans. What I love about Twitter are the many third-party applications that make it easy to use. I use HootSuite on my desktop computer and Tweetie on my iPhone.
4. ReverbNation
What I like best about ReverbNation is their incredibly useful viral marketing tools (most are free) to help you generate your buzz online. They also provide a massive amount of statistics that will help you analyze your progress. Many in the industry say it’s all about the analytics. I wrote about this recently on my blog at If you’re on Facebook you definitely want to use the ReverbNation “MyBand” application to promote your music. It automatically imports and updates all the content to your Facebook page.
5. FanBridge
Many musicians I talk to do not actively collect email addresses or they have them collected but do nothing with it. Sending out emails to your fans consistently is key in being a successful indie artist. I have used just about every email program out there and I have found FanBridge to be the best one. It’s very easy to use and extremely affordable. You can import your old list in and if you like, FanBridge will do it for you. It’s free to set up and try out. Pricing depends on the size of your list and frequency of your blasts. I have arranged for you can take advantage of a one month free upgrade to their “arena” plan by using this link,
This is a cool free site that allows you to quickly and easily send an update that gets dispersed to all your social networks in one shot. So if you’d like to put out an update to your Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, Ning, Gtalk status, AIM status (and well the list goes on and on!), this will do it in one click. When I travel to music conferences and events all over the country I use the Pingle iPhone app so I can take a picture on-the-go, type in a caption and in one click (and literally seconds later) it shows up on my personal Facebook as well as my business Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Flickr. This is very much in line with my motto, “working smarter not harder”.
7. foursquare
The big buzz right now is foursquare which is a location-based social network. It along with Brightkite and Whrrl have been around for awhile but foursquare really took off this year at SXSWi, which is the interactive (techie) part of South by Southwest in Austin, TX. It’s a really great way to stay extremely connected to your friends and fans by updating your location on your mobile device. I really enjoyed it during the SXSW music conference as it allowed me to easily see where my musician and industry friends were at, which then allowed me to easily find them.
7.5 The bottom line!
Social networks don’t work unless you work it. You cannot set up these sites and do nothing else. Social network success involves you and your team spending time and energy developing relationships with your fans which will lead to increasing your fan base, getting people out to your shows and generating sales.
by Madalyn Sklar -- SOURCE
.Topics: Industry News
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: The Art of Live PerformanceSeptember 30, 2010, 2:32pm
By: Erin Albertson for Music Dealers
As someone who works with a music licensing company, I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to attend some of the VIP promotional events where artists play for an audience of decision makers from the media world. These VIP events provide executive decision makers with a convenient way to observe emerging talent on a small stage and the artists have an opportunity to interact between sets with people who can help them with real business opportunities. These type of VIP shows are most often dynamically passionate because the artists know their future (or a paycheck) may be affected by their music and their interactions. For example, during Music Dealers’ last co-promotional event with Live Nation and House of Blues, the excitement and incredible performances delivered by bands such as Dot Dot Dot as well as Akasha was provocative and inspiring to say the least. We of course know that by helping bands build their reputation and getting paid for their licensing work, word continues to spread that Music Dealers is the best place to find the best “up and coming artists”. However, this also got me thinking about various live shows I’ve attended and what expectations I have from the artists that I have already paid to see.
An article I found recently on NPR titled, “What Do You As A Fan Want From A Live Show?” poses the questions to music fans in regards to what attracts the art of live performance, and what methods are taken to make it so captivating to an audience? With music sales down and people less avid to pay for albums, it seems that many music fans these days are dealing out the cash to go see their favorite artist and/or band live in concert. Another trend I have seen pop up for all occasions is the art of music festivals. With this new trend in live performance, a vast amount of people are able to enjoy anywhere from 10-100 bands over the course of three to four days. For this reason, cultures and musical fan bases are brought together both for the bands themselves, as well as enjoying live performances with a collaborative group of people.
In the post on NPR, author Tom Cole describes the diversity in concerts, and how certain musicians are incorporating many different forms of art into their live shows. For example, Cole explains Icelandic singer/songwriter and former-Sigur Ros front man, Jonsi. He elaborates upon Jonsi’s live show, and how the singer/songwriter choreographs images behind a screen on stage to be visualized during each song within the set. Rather than play a normal show on stage with a simple backdrop or lights, Jonsi developed a show combining both fine art and music.
With so many different takes on live performance these days, which concepts best capture the attention of the listener? Do more people enjoy the simple concert atmosphere, solely to watch their favorite band play onstage for a consistent two hours? Is it more interesting having bands incorporate other aspects of art or suspense into their live shows? Do fans even want to hear never-been-played/new songs from the artist? All of the questions above can be answered differently by music fans, but it is interesting to bridge the gap between what live performance used to be, and what some acts have turned it into.
Personally, I’d rather see a band extend some sort of special quality to their show – such as an intense light show, rarely played songs, and mainly a connection from artist to fan. The most incredible shows I have come across are those that grab the attention of the audience no matter what row they are in. Yes, being front row at a concert definitely has its advantages as far as artist/fan interaction, but shows that make each fan feel like they have the interest from the artist on stage is quite significant. As people pay anywhere from $10 - $200+ for a ticket, there is an obligation from the artist to deliver a performance that keeps the fans coming back. For bands that capture that idea, there is definitely a clear correlation between their fan base and its dedication.
For readers out there, what sets artists apart from one another as far as their live shows are concerned? What is most important to YOU when viewing a performance?
Subscribe to our blog via email or RSS to get more great posts like this one.
.Topics: Industry News
Comments: 4
Write new comment.William's Music Dealers Artist Spotlight: Bilss - Day 3 of 5 (Wildcard)September 30, 2010, 11:12am
Greetings Guys!
We're all grinding along here through another busy Music Dealers week!
One of the main things that keeps me sane during these hectic days is keeping something interesting playing through my headphones.
Don't get me wrong, I love pop music and how well thought the songs are.
But there is something I can't describe about blasting something through my headphones that sounds like nothing I've heard.
You know, that warm rush of endorphins that come over you when you close your eyes and let it flow through your soul.
Bringing you the freshness, my Spotlight Artist Bliss has gracefully allowed me to share with you one of her most interesting tracks.
The song is called "Shooting Starz", and if you like hearing creative and new music please do your self a favor and download her song!
:: Click Here To Check Out Bliss's Music Dealers Profile! ::
Attachment Size
Attachment Size
mdv-mdv-01-shooting-starz__master_.mp3 7.09 MB
.Topics: BlissMusic Dealers Artist Spotlight
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: Appeals Court Says Downloads Not Public PerformancesSeptember 29, 2010, 1:42pm
By: Erin Albertson for Music Dealers
The benefits to boost artists’ careers with music licensing efforts are quite advantageous to musicians, but when irregularities in royalties, payments, and a general misunderstanding of copyright are involved, a lawsuit could quickly show up at your door. On Tuesday, September 28th, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled against ASCAP, stating that “digital downloads of musical works do not constitute public performances” (Billboard). To keep fighting the battle for royalty payments on digital downloads, ASCAP tried yet again by creating a lawsuit in favor of receiving royalties on Internet downloads. However, digital downloads have never once been considered as a public performance, even if companies and PRO’s such as ASCAP would like it to be that way. More outlets for public performance royalties = $$.
The argument between digital downloads vs. public performance is that a download solely creates a “copy” of a musical work. Yes, copyright owners maintain a statutory mechanical royalty on such digital downloads, but have yet to receive a public performance payment (as the question and legality of a digital performance is up in the air). As the U.S. Court of Appeals argued that downloads are just a copy of a musical performance, ASCAP contended that “downloads transmit or otherwise communicate a performance” (Billboard). With the court referring to Section 101 of the Copyright Act (stating that performing a work means to recite, deliver, play, dance, or simply act it out), their argument was that digital downloads have no real presence when communicating a musical work. For example, seeing Beyonce performing live in concert in New York City is completely different than listening to the live recording of the show via Internet downloading.
Yes, I agree that listening to a presentation of a song is somewhat justifiable to why people perceive obtaining public performance royalties, but to put it simply: the law says NO! If listening to a download of a song indicates public performance payments, than the court would dish out royalties for ring tones as well. And as of now, it will not happen. This battle has been ongoing, but until the courts say otherwise, digital downloads will not be accountable as public performances. Perhaps one day a license or some sort of rate will be created for Internet download services to pay out artists – but I do not see it coming in the near future. Don’t get me wrong – I am completely FOR artists and musicians getting paid, but until copyright law and structures of royalties are mended, this issue will be as it stands that digital transmissions will not obtain any money as a public performance.
Subscribe to our blog via email or RSS to get more great posts like this one.
.Topics: Industry News
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.Music Dealers My HomeDeal BoardBlogFAQLog OutBlog William's Music Dealers Artist Spotlight: Bilss - Day 4 of 5 (Wildcard)September 30, 2010, 6:48pm
Greetings guys, here again with the wonderful Bliss! Be sure to check out her Music Dealers profile as well!
What was the most ridiculous place you ever performed?
In a big Church... Not necessarily ridiculous but slightly odd considering I have the severe potty mouth of a sailor. *Massive expletive censorship required*
What would you say is your favorite alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverage?
Coffee & Tons of it!!!!
If you could be on any game show, US or international, which show would it be?
"Wipe Out" I love that show :)
If you could be genetically altered and merged with an animal, what animal would it be?
Well considering I've never actually contemplated merging with an animal... I'd rather merge with the Sun, Moon & Stars... But, oooooh genetically engineered if I had to... It would be an Eagle! But, my head on a eagle body may be a lil odd so my second choice would be a horse- on some Centaur shit :)
Comparing your life to any television show/movie past or present, what show would it be and why?
I would need a series to compare my life to honestly with many to be continued... Consider me "House" in one long ass "SNL" skit, including all the characters in the movie "Stand By Me"... I don't know what that means or if that actually makes any sense at all but it may possibly be close... Ha... And life is like "Fear & Loathing in Los Vegas" minus the drugs.
What would you say has been the greatest influence on your over all sound?
Definitely Life & Love
Have you worked with licensing companies before, if so, what makes Music Dealers sooooo much better?
*yes i have but music dealers is the shit....("was that what i was suppose to say"??) jk but seriously Music Dealers is awesome so far :)
It's 1 am, you are in the studio and are attacked by the most violent of hunger pangs. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
*Veggie burger & Fries
Have you had any type of formal musical training?
*Just my mother...she has an amaaaaazzing voice & i LOVE her :)
Are there any strange or weird practices you might have while working on your tracks?
*It use to be an energy drink & Orbitz bubblemint its just the drink makes me to spazzy lol
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
*Blessed ,Happy, & Loving Life creating what i love:)
:: Click Here To Check Out Bliss's Music Dealers Profile!! ::
.Topics: BlissMusic Dealers Artist Spotlight
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: The 7.5 Things You Need NOW for Social Network SuccessSeptember 30, 2010, 3:24pm
We came across this awesome blog dedicated to helping musicians achieve greater success and not only working harder but smarter. Check the link at the bottom of the post.
1. Myspace
Yes, we know many of you think Myspace is dead but it’s not. It is still the #1 music site. Most music industry professionals tell me they still go to Myspace first to check out an artist or band. At minimum you should keep your content current however I also advise artists and bands to continue using it to build and maintain relationships with fans. You can still attract people to your shows and get them to listen to your music through this site. I talk more about this topic on my blog at
2. Facebook
You should have a strong Facebook presence by developing a fan page (also known as Pages). Although it was not designed as a music site like Myspace, your fans are here. Yes, with over 400 million active users I guarantee you your audience is here conversing with friends, colleagues and family. Why not you? Be advised a fan page is separate from your personal profile. It is a public page promoting your music, business, brand or whatever. If you have a fan page in place, be sure to maximize your presence with a “welcome” and “buy music” page. You can do this using Facebook’s FBML application. I have found this to be extremely underutilized. So if you’re looking to set yourself apart from many others, this is the way to do it. See examples of customized fan pages I’ve done at
3. Twitter
When it comes to Twitter I find that people either really love it or just don’t get it. Again, this is simply another place where your fans gather so you do not want to dismiss it. If you find Twittering is not for you, you can have your Facebook posts automatically go to Twitter. I think it’s very important to maintain a presence here even if it’s minimal. The key is to put out good, useful content for your friends and fans. What I love about Twitter are the many third-party applications that make it easy to use. I use HootSuite on my desktop computer and Tweetie on my iPhone.
4. ReverbNation
What I like best about ReverbNation is their incredibly useful viral marketing tools (most are free) to help you generate your buzz online. They also provide a massive amount of statistics that will help you analyze your progress. Many in the industry say it’s all about the analytics. I wrote about this recently on my blog at If you’re on Facebook you definitely want to use the ReverbNation “MyBand” application to promote your music. It automatically imports and updates all the content to your Facebook page.
5. FanBridge
Many musicians I talk to do not actively collect email addresses or they have them collected but do nothing with it. Sending out emails to your fans consistently is key in being a successful indie artist. I have used just about every email program out there and I have found FanBridge to be the best one. It’s very easy to use and extremely affordable. You can import your old list in and if you like, FanBridge will do it for you. It’s free to set up and try out. Pricing depends on the size of your list and frequency of your blasts. I have arranged for you can take advantage of a one month free upgrade to their “arena” plan by using this link,
This is a cool free site that allows you to quickly and easily send an update that gets dispersed to all your social networks in one shot. So if you’d like to put out an update to your Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, Ning, Gtalk status, AIM status (and well the list goes on and on!), this will do it in one click. When I travel to music conferences and events all over the country I use the Pingle iPhone app so I can take a picture on-the-go, type in a caption and in one click (and literally seconds later) it shows up on my personal Facebook as well as my business Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Flickr. This is very much in line with my motto, “working smarter not harder”.
7. foursquare
The big buzz right now is foursquare which is a location-based social network. It along with Brightkite and Whrrl have been around for awhile but foursquare really took off this year at SXSWi, which is the interactive (techie) part of South by Southwest in Austin, TX. It’s a really great way to stay extremely connected to your friends and fans by updating your location on your mobile device. I really enjoyed it during the SXSW music conference as it allowed me to easily see where my musician and industry friends were at, which then allowed me to easily find them.
7.5 The bottom line!
Social networks don’t work unless you work it. You cannot set up these sites and do nothing else. Social network success involves you and your team spending time and energy developing relationships with your fans which will lead to increasing your fan base, getting people out to your shows and generating sales.
by Madalyn Sklar -- SOURCE
.Topics: Industry News
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: The Art of Live PerformanceSeptember 30, 2010, 2:32pm
By: Erin Albertson for Music Dealers
As someone who works with a music licensing company, I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to attend some of the VIP promotional events where artists play for an audience of decision makers from the media world. These VIP events provide executive decision makers with a convenient way to observe emerging talent on a small stage and the artists have an opportunity to interact between sets with people who can help them with real business opportunities. These type of VIP shows are most often dynamically passionate because the artists know their future (or a paycheck) may be affected by their music and their interactions. For example, during Music Dealers’ last co-promotional event with Live Nation and House of Blues, the excitement and incredible performances delivered by bands such as Dot Dot Dot as well as Akasha was provocative and inspiring to say the least. We of course know that by helping bands build their reputation and getting paid for their licensing work, word continues to spread that Music Dealers is the best place to find the best “up and coming artists”. However, this also got me thinking about various live shows I’ve attended and what expectations I have from the artists that I have already paid to see.
An article I found recently on NPR titled, “What Do You As A Fan Want From A Live Show?” poses the questions to music fans in regards to what attracts the art of live performance, and what methods are taken to make it so captivating to an audience? With music sales down and people less avid to pay for albums, it seems that many music fans these days are dealing out the cash to go see their favorite artist and/or band live in concert. Another trend I have seen pop up for all occasions is the art of music festivals. With this new trend in live performance, a vast amount of people are able to enjoy anywhere from 10-100 bands over the course of three to four days. For this reason, cultures and musical fan bases are brought together both for the bands themselves, as well as enjoying live performances with a collaborative group of people.
In the post on NPR, author Tom Cole describes the diversity in concerts, and how certain musicians are incorporating many different forms of art into their live shows. For example, Cole explains Icelandic singer/songwriter and former-Sigur Ros front man, Jonsi. He elaborates upon Jonsi’s live show, and how the singer/songwriter choreographs images behind a screen on stage to be visualized during each song within the set. Rather than play a normal show on stage with a simple backdrop or lights, Jonsi developed a show combining both fine art and music.
With so many different takes on live performance these days, which concepts best capture the attention of the listener? Do more people enjoy the simple concert atmosphere, solely to watch their favorite band play onstage for a consistent two hours? Is it more interesting having bands incorporate other aspects of art or suspense into their live shows? Do fans even want to hear never-been-played/new songs from the artist? All of the questions above can be answered differently by music fans, but it is interesting to bridge the gap between what live performance used to be, and what some acts have turned it into.
Personally, I’d rather see a band extend some sort of special quality to their show – such as an intense light show, rarely played songs, and mainly a connection from artist to fan. The most incredible shows I have come across are those that grab the attention of the audience no matter what row they are in. Yes, being front row at a concert definitely has its advantages as far as artist/fan interaction, but shows that make each fan feel like they have the interest from the artist on stage is quite significant. As people pay anywhere from $10 - $200+ for a ticket, there is an obligation from the artist to deliver a performance that keeps the fans coming back. For bands that capture that idea, there is definitely a clear correlation between their fan base and its dedication.
For readers out there, what sets artists apart from one another as far as their live shows are concerned? What is most important to YOU when viewing a performance?
Subscribe to our blog via email or RSS to get more great posts like this one.
.Topics: Industry News
Comments: 4
Write new comment.William's Music Dealers Artist Spotlight: Bilss - Day 3 of 5 (Wildcard)September 30, 2010, 11:12am
Greetings Guys!
We're all grinding along here through another busy Music Dealers week!
One of the main things that keeps me sane during these hectic days is keeping something interesting playing through my headphones.
Don't get me wrong, I love pop music and how well thought the songs are.
But there is something I can't describe about blasting something through my headphones that sounds like nothing I've heard.
You know, that warm rush of endorphins that come over you when you close your eyes and let it flow through your soul.
Bringing you the freshness, my Spotlight Artist Bliss has gracefully allowed me to share with you one of her most interesting tracks.
The song is called "Shooting Starz", and if you like hearing creative and new music please do your self a favor and download her song!
:: Click Here To Check Out Bliss's Music Dealers Profile! ::
Attachment Size
Attachment Size
mdv-mdv-01-shooting-starz__master_.mp3 7.09 MB
.Topics: BlissMusic Dealers Artist Spotlight
Comments: 0
Write new comment.Industry News: Appeals Court Says Downloads Not Public PerformancesSeptember 29, 2010, 1:42pm
By: Erin Albertson for Music Dealers
The benefits to boost artists’ careers with music licensing efforts are quite advantageous to musicians, but when irregularities in royalties, payments, and a general misunderstanding of copyright are involved, a lawsuit could quickly show up at your door. On Tuesday, September 28th, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled against ASCAP, stating that “digital downloads of musical works do not constitute public performances” (Billboard). To keep fighting the battle for royalty payments on digital downloads, ASCAP tried yet again by creating a lawsuit in favor of receiving royalties on Internet downloads. However, digital downloads have never once been considered as a public performance, even if companies and PRO’s such as ASCAP would like it to be that way. More outlets for public performance royalties = $$.
The argument between digital downloads vs. public performance is that a download solely creates a “copy” of a musical work. Yes, copyright owners maintain a statutory mechanical royalty on such digital downloads, but have yet to receive a public performance payment (as the question and legality of a digital performance is up in the air). As the U.S. Court of Appeals argued that downloads are just a copy of a musical performance, ASCAP contended that “downloads transmit or otherwise communicate a performance” (Billboard). With the court referring to Section 101 of the Copyright Act (stating that performing a work means to recite, deliver, play, dance, or simply act it out), their argument was that digital downloads have no real presence when communicating a musical work. For example, seeing Beyonce performing live in concert in New York City is completely different than listening to the live recording of the show via Internet downloading.
Yes, I agree that listening to a presentation of a song is somewhat justifiable to why people perceive obtaining public performance royalties, but to put it simply: the law says NO! If listening to a download of a song indicates public performance payments, than the court would dish out royalties for ring tones as well. And as of now, it will not happen. This battle has been ongoing, but until the courts say otherwise, digital downloads will not be accountable as public performances. Perhaps one day a license or some sort of rate will be created for Internet download services to pay out artists – but I do not see it coming in the near future. Don’t get me wrong – I am completely FOR artists and musicians getting paid, but until copyright law and structures of royalties are mended, this issue will be as it stands that digital transmissions will not obtain any money as a public performance.
Subscribe to our blog via email or RSS to get more great posts like this one.
.Topics: Industry News
Comments: 1
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ReverbNation Partners with APM Music to Bring Exclusive TV, Movie, and Video Game Licensing Opportunity to Independent Bands
ReverbNation Partners with APM Music to Bring Exclusive TV, Movie, and Video Game Licensing Opportunity to Independent Bands
by Neal on September 29, 2010 · 4 comments
(NEW YORK – September 29th, 2010) ReverbNation, the leading Marketing and Promotion Platform for over 850,000 Musicians, Labels, Managers and Venues, and APM Music, a joint venture of EMI Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing and the largest production library and music services company in North America, have partnered to launch an exclusive “ReverbNation Music” library that APM Music will license into TV, Movies, Trailers, Video Games and other types of productions.
Tens of thousands of qualified ReverbNation artists have already received invitations to audition their songs which were qualified through ReverbNation’s initial review process. Following submission, every track was reviewed by APM music directors for quality and client suitability.
Invitations to participate in the program are sent out on an ongoing basis to “qualified” artists who have profiles on ReverbNation. “Qualified” artists are those for whom ReverbNation has statistical data about their fan base, song plays, and more, that indicate a fit with APM’s clients. ReverbNation collects this data for artists who use ReverbNation’s comprehensive toolset to manage their social media and marketing presence across the web.
“We are committed to bringing the best opportunities to indie artists, including opportunities to play gigs as well as to license their music. The partnership to curate a unique library with APM Music is a great opportunity for ReverbNation artists whose music fits the needs of APM’s clients – fresh, authentic, relevant indie music,” said Michael Doernberg, CEO of “Artists whose songs are accepted and placed will generate unique exposure to new fans with the potential to generate ongoing revenue from their works.”
With over 25 years leading the industry, APM Music has built relationships with an exhaustive list of clients including CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, ESPN, MLB, PGA, Universal, Discovery, Current TV, MTV, BBDO, Electronic Arts, Oprah Winfrey and thousands of others; and has recently placed music into “Avatar”, “The Backup Plan”, “Date Night”, “Prince of Persia”, “Glee”, “Gossip Girl”, “Mad Men”, “30 Rock” , “Big Bang Theory”, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” ,“Assassin’s Creed 2”, and “Monsters vs. Aliens” video game among many others.
“The appetite for indie music has never been greater,” stated Adam Taylor, APM Music president. “There has been a strong demand for APM to provide an original indie music library that offers exclusive, high quality music direct from independent artists combined with the freedom from copyright issues traditionally delivered through APM’s indemnification guarantees. With this partnership, APM will satisfy this need and at the same time deliver real benefit to ReverbNation artists.”
The ReverbNation Music library launched on APM’s online music search engine at the beginning of September, and has already secured licensing deals for ReverbNation artists with Kmart, Chicos, the Boston Red Sox, the PGA (check out the PGA placement) and others.
by Neal on September 29, 2010 · 4 comments
(NEW YORK – September 29th, 2010) ReverbNation, the leading Marketing and Promotion Platform for over 850,000 Musicians, Labels, Managers and Venues, and APM Music, a joint venture of EMI Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing and the largest production library and music services company in North America, have partnered to launch an exclusive “ReverbNation Music” library that APM Music will license into TV, Movies, Trailers, Video Games and other types of productions.
Tens of thousands of qualified ReverbNation artists have already received invitations to audition their songs which were qualified through ReverbNation’s initial review process. Following submission, every track was reviewed by APM music directors for quality and client suitability.
Invitations to participate in the program are sent out on an ongoing basis to “qualified” artists who have profiles on ReverbNation. “Qualified” artists are those for whom ReverbNation has statistical data about their fan base, song plays, and more, that indicate a fit with APM’s clients. ReverbNation collects this data for artists who use ReverbNation’s comprehensive toolset to manage their social media and marketing presence across the web.
“We are committed to bringing the best opportunities to indie artists, including opportunities to play gigs as well as to license their music. The partnership to curate a unique library with APM Music is a great opportunity for ReverbNation artists whose music fits the needs of APM’s clients – fresh, authentic, relevant indie music,” said Michael Doernberg, CEO of “Artists whose songs are accepted and placed will generate unique exposure to new fans with the potential to generate ongoing revenue from their works.”
With over 25 years leading the industry, APM Music has built relationships with an exhaustive list of clients including CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, ESPN, MLB, PGA, Universal, Discovery, Current TV, MTV, BBDO, Electronic Arts, Oprah Winfrey and thousands of others; and has recently placed music into “Avatar”, “The Backup Plan”, “Date Night”, “Prince of Persia”, “Glee”, “Gossip Girl”, “Mad Men”, “30 Rock” , “Big Bang Theory”, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” ,“Assassin’s Creed 2”, and “Monsters vs. Aliens” video game among many others.
“The appetite for indie music has never been greater,” stated Adam Taylor, APM Music president. “There has been a strong demand for APM to provide an original indie music library that offers exclusive, high quality music direct from independent artists combined with the freedom from copyright issues traditionally delivered through APM’s indemnification guarantees. With this partnership, APM will satisfy this need and at the same time deliver real benefit to ReverbNation artists.”
The ReverbNation Music library launched on APM’s online music search engine at the beginning of September, and has already secured licensing deals for ReverbNation artists with Kmart, Chicos, the Boston Red Sox, the PGA (check out the PGA placement) and others.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Next step in Bryant's Cowboys rookie initiation: $55K dinner
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Dallas Cowboys
Share71Next step in Bryant's Cowboys rookie initiation: $55K dinnerAssociated Press
Published: Sept. 29, 2010 at 05:50 p.m. Updated: Sept. 29, 2010 at 07:06 p.m. Liked: 5
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IRVING, Texas -- Dallas Cowboys rookie wide receiver Dez Bryant knew there would be payback for refusing to carry teammates' shoulder pads during training camp.
The check came due this week at the traditional rookie-picks-up-the-tab dinner. The damage: $54,896.
The meal was supposed to be only for offensive players, but more than 20 guys showed up at a steakhouse -- and brought their appetites, said Bryant's adviser, David Wells. The story first was reported by
For more on the Dallas Cowboys, check out the latest from our bloggers.
» Blog Blitz: Cowboys
"People had goooood meals," Wells said, laughing. "If you'd never had lobster before, you had it that night."
Steaks, fish and plenty of beverages made for a fun evening, albeit at a high price. Then again, Bryant, a first-round draft pick, is making $2.8 million this season, so he can afford it.
"Dez knew what he had to do, and he took responsibility for it," said Wells, who wasn't at the dinner but saw the bill. "He made the best of it, nothing negative. He had a good time with the guys, bonding with his teammates."
Traditions like carrying pads and paying for meals are typical for NFL newbies. However, early in training camp, Bryant wasn't aware he was expected to schlep anyone's shoulder pads, which caused a bit of a tiff with veteran receiver Roy Williams.
This time, Bryant knew what was coming.
"He just didn't know that many people were going to show up," Wells said.
Linebacker Keith Brooking wasn't among the diners. A week earlier, though, he was part of the meal paid for by rookie linebacker Sean Lee, a second-round pick.
"It wasn't near as expensive," Brooking said. "We weren't too hard on him. We weren't very nice, either. But it was fair, I think."
Bryant and other players declined comment Wednesday, though linebacker Leon Williams had a shiny silver bag from the steakhouse in his locker.
Did Bryant at least take home a doggie bag?
"I would hope he got a dog house out of it," Wells said.
Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said during training camp he was against hazing, but that traditions are OK as long as everyone goes along. He was fine with this, adding that his wife hosts the other coaches' wives every year. They've already had this season's gathering at the tony restaurant of a famous Dallas hotel.
NFL Audio Pass
Don't miss any of the action with NFL Audio Pass, which gives you access to every game's radio calls. Find out more here.
How much was that tab?
"I don't know, and I don't want to know," Phillips said, smiling.
Bryant is making news on the field, too.
Among rookie receivers, the former Oklahoma State star is leading in catches (14) and second in yards (158). He's living up to his reputation as a playmaker with catches of 28 and 30 yards, and a 62-yard punt return for a touchdown.
Bryant has done it all despite having missed most of training camp and the preseason with a high ankle sprain and having suffered a stress fracture in his ribs during the season opener. He was examined Wednesday for a possible hip injury caused by running into a camera man on the sidelines Sunday, but Phillips said it was nothing serious.
"He's transitioned awfully well," Cowboys offensive coordinator Jason Garrett said of Bryant. "To be able to come in and perform as well as he has over the course of the first three weeks has been very impressive."
Yet Bryant is still a rookie, which means he's also making mistakes.
"He has to refine his route-running and his understanding of the offense, those kinds of things," Garrett said. "But he's someone who is not bothered by game situations. He embraces them. He loves to play. He has great enthusiasm and he can make plays. We've tried to do that, and he's really stepped up and responded."
Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press
5 Recommendations
No class Roy Williams. The $$$$$$$ the Cowboys are paying you for your non factor you should have pay the bill. I not buying your back,it was the Houston ROOKIE DB.that made you look good. Dez Byrant will surpass you his hands are better and more of a beast thats what it takes to be a WR in this era. Miles Austin runs better route's thats why he gets the ball. You'll get the ball as long as your cover by a rookie.
8 minutes ago
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Comment is abusive and has been removed.
28 minutes ago
Recommend 1 Report
Here's the website I told you guys about earlier... Their GIVING away Madden 2011 PLUS a Authentic NFL Helmet for NO COST at all!! Hurry up and claim yours before they stop the promotion!! I just got my helmet and game earlier today..I did the promotion twice..once in my name and once in my wife's name so I get 2 orders! haha
30 minutes ago
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Cowboys vets' payback on rookie Bryant? $55K dinner bill Hall of Fame OL Wright, 65, recovering after heart attack Kosier, Witten using Cowboys' bye to rest sprained knees Cowboys, Romo get on track, earn road win over Texans Winless Cowboys face difficult challenge from 2-0 Texans Jenkins, Witten, Bryant limited for Cowboys Bears stay unbeaten Cowboys lose FB Anderson for 2 to 4 weeks Jones backs Cowboys' coaches after loss Cowboys OC Garrett regrets pre-halftime play vs. Skins Subscribe More News >
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Dallas Cowboys
Share71Next step in Bryant's Cowboys rookie initiation: $55K dinnerAssociated Press
Published: Sept. 29, 2010 at 05:50 p.m. Updated: Sept. 29, 2010 at 07:06 p.m. Liked: 5
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IRVING, Texas -- Dallas Cowboys rookie wide receiver Dez Bryant knew there would be payback for refusing to carry teammates' shoulder pads during training camp.
The check came due this week at the traditional rookie-picks-up-the-tab dinner. The damage: $54,896.
The meal was supposed to be only for offensive players, but more than 20 guys showed up at a steakhouse -- and brought their appetites, said Bryant's adviser, David Wells. The story first was reported by
For more on the Dallas Cowboys, check out the latest from our bloggers.
» Blog Blitz: Cowboys
"People had goooood meals," Wells said, laughing. "If you'd never had lobster before, you had it that night."
Steaks, fish and plenty of beverages made for a fun evening, albeit at a high price. Then again, Bryant, a first-round draft pick, is making $2.8 million this season, so he can afford it.
"Dez knew what he had to do, and he took responsibility for it," said Wells, who wasn't at the dinner but saw the bill. "He made the best of it, nothing negative. He had a good time with the guys, bonding with his teammates."
Traditions like carrying pads and paying for meals are typical for NFL newbies. However, early in training camp, Bryant wasn't aware he was expected to schlep anyone's shoulder pads, which caused a bit of a tiff with veteran receiver Roy Williams.
This time, Bryant knew what was coming.
"He just didn't know that many people were going to show up," Wells said.
Linebacker Keith Brooking wasn't among the diners. A week earlier, though, he was part of the meal paid for by rookie linebacker Sean Lee, a second-round pick.
"It wasn't near as expensive," Brooking said. "We weren't too hard on him. We weren't very nice, either. But it was fair, I think."
Bryant and other players declined comment Wednesday, though linebacker Leon Williams had a shiny silver bag from the steakhouse in his locker.
Did Bryant at least take home a doggie bag?
"I would hope he got a dog house out of it," Wells said.
Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said during training camp he was against hazing, but that traditions are OK as long as everyone goes along. He was fine with this, adding that his wife hosts the other coaches' wives every year. They've already had this season's gathering at the tony restaurant of a famous Dallas hotel.
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Don't miss any of the action with NFL Audio Pass, which gives you access to every game's radio calls. Find out more here.
How much was that tab?
"I don't know, and I don't want to know," Phillips said, smiling.
Bryant is making news on the field, too.
Among rookie receivers, the former Oklahoma State star is leading in catches (14) and second in yards (158). He's living up to his reputation as a playmaker with catches of 28 and 30 yards, and a 62-yard punt return for a touchdown.
Bryant has done it all despite having missed most of training camp and the preseason with a high ankle sprain and having suffered a stress fracture in his ribs during the season opener. He was examined Wednesday for a possible hip injury caused by running into a camera man on the sidelines Sunday, but Phillips said it was nothing serious.
"He's transitioned awfully well," Cowboys offensive coordinator Jason Garrett said of Bryant. "To be able to come in and perform as well as he has over the course of the first three weeks has been very impressive."
Yet Bryant is still a rookie, which means he's also making mistakes.
"He has to refine his route-running and his understanding of the offense, those kinds of things," Garrett said. "But he's someone who is not bothered by game situations. He embraces them. He loves to play. He has great enthusiasm and he can make plays. We've tried to do that, and he's really stepped up and responded."
Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press
5 Recommendations
No class Roy Williams. The $$$$$$$ the Cowboys are paying you for your non factor you should have pay the bill. I not buying your back,it was the Houston ROOKIE DB.that made you look good. Dez Byrant will surpass you his hands are better and more of a beast thats what it takes to be a WR in this era. Miles Austin runs better route's thats why he gets the ball. You'll get the ball as long as your cover by a rookie.
8 minutes ago
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Comment is abusive and has been removed.
28 minutes ago
Recommend 1 Report
Here's the website I told you guys about earlier... Their GIVING away Madden 2011 PLUS a Authentic NFL Helmet for NO COST at all!! Hurry up and claim yours before they stop the promotion!! I just got my helmet and game earlier today..I did the promotion twice..once in my name and once in my wife's name so I get 2 orders! haha
30 minutes ago
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Headlines McNabb wants cheers in return to Philly
Pal Vick awaits Packers' Collins regrets confronting fan, tossing mouthpiece Polian clarifies take on 18-game season
Proposal made Edwards' arrival doesn't faze slumping Jaguars QB Garrard Jaguars' Osgood OK after assault; alleged intruder arrested Big Ben to Lewis: I wish I could go vs. Ravens
Rice out? Rams RB Jackson resting injured groin, deemed day to day Ryan says Revis 'questionable' to play for Jets; Pace limited Panthers' Smith denies he has issue with Clausen
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Cowboys vets' payback on rookie Bryant? $55K dinner bill Hall of Fame OL Wright, 65, recovering after heart attack Kosier, Witten using Cowboys' bye to rest sprained knees Cowboys, Romo get on track, earn road win over Texans Winless Cowboys face difficult challenge from 2-0 Texans Jenkins, Witten, Bryant limited for Cowboys Bears stay unbeaten Cowboys lose FB Anderson for 2 to 4 weeks Jones backs Cowboys' coaches after loss Cowboys OC Garrett regrets pre-halftime play vs. Skins Subscribe More News >
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Steelers will start Batch again at QB vs. Ravens
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Pittsburgh Steelers
Share51Steelers will start Batch again at QB vs. RavensAssociated Press
Published: Sept. 28, 2010 at 03:56 p.m. Updated: Sept. 28, 2010 at 04:01 p.m. Liked: 8
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PITTSBURGH -- Steelers coach Mike Tomlin probably wishes his quarterback decision had been this easy all season.
Charlie Batch, buried so deep on the Steelers' depth chart that he barely practiced during training camp, will start Sunday's AFC North game against the Baltimore Ravens. Batch hasn't started successive games since midway through 2005, when Ben Roethlisberger had a right knee injury.
Wyche: Steelers overcome QB chaos
Considering the Steelers have needed to start two different quarterbacks en route to a 3-0 start, they might be the best team in the NFL, Steve Wyche writes. More ... Batch started Sunday at Tampa Bay only because Dennis Dixon had left knee surgery last week and Byron Leftwich was recovering from a left knee injury. Yet Batch completed 12 of 17 passes for 186 yards and three touchdowns -- his first scoring passes since 2007.
Leftwich, expected to start throughout Roethlisberger's four-game suspension, is healthy, but Tomlin said Tuesday that Batch earned the right to remain in the lineup. He did it through his play -- he's 4-1 as a fill-in starter since joining the Steelers in 2002 -- and through his perseverance.
Batch played only one game the previous two seasons because of injuries, and his perceived fragility was partly why Tomlin started the inexperienced Dixon in the first two games. Batch declined to criticize the decision, nor did he complain when it seemed likely the Steelers (3-0) would cut him before Leftwich was hurt during the Sept. 2 preseason finale.
"Guys have a great deal of confidence in him," Tomlin said. "He's a man who's taken advantage of an opportunity, and you've got to be happy for him. It's an awesome lesson learned for our young players, one I hope they're taking heed to. This league is about perseverance, this profession is about perseverance and taking advantage of opportunities when they're given. He's given them a shining, clear-cut example of that at this juncture."
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Tomlin isn't second-guessing his decision to start Dixon during tight victories over the Atlanta Falcons (15-9) and Tennessee Titans (19-11), even though Batch threw Pittsburgh's first three TD passes of the season. Batch also looked more polished and comfortable than Dixon.
Dixon will be out for up to six weeks, but the Steelers don't plan to put him on the injured reserve list.
Roethlisberger is eligible to return to practice next week, when the Steelers have a bye. He will start Oct. 17 against the Cleveland Browns.
Tomlin won't dispute that his players' determination to prove their season wouldn't be derailed by Roethlisberger's four-game suspension has played into their 3-0 start. The Steelers can go 4-0 for the first time since 1979 by beating the Ravens (2-1), who have lost nine of their last 10 games at Heinz Field.
"I just acknowledge we're dealing with a situation here and we acknowledge the fact that some of this situation is our doing," Tomlin said. "We've got to fight our way out of it. I think that's more the mentality of our team than anything else."
While the Steelers' unbeaten record is largely the result of a defense that hasn't allowed a touchdown in the first three quarters, Baltimore's defense is No. 1 overall. Pittsburgh is No. 6, dragged down partly by a No. 17 ranking against the pass.
For more on the Pittsburgh Steelers, check out the latest from our bloggers.
» Blog Blitz: Steelers
The Ravens are No. 1 against the pass, but they are only 23rd against the run after allowing Cleveland's Peyton Hillis to run for 144 yards during Baltimore's 24-17 victory Sunday.
Tomlin saw that statistic and went, "Uh, oh."
"The fact Cleveland had some success doesn't bode well for us. I'd felt better if Peyton Hillis had run for 40 as opposed to 140 because I know the type of men that play for that (Baltimore) team," Tomlin said. "Great defenses like the Baltimore Ravens usually bounce back quickly."
The status of backup nose tackle Chris Hoke (sprained knee) and right guard Trai Essex (ankle) will be determined later in the week. Essex was replaced against Tampa Bay by Doug Legursky, who made his first NFL start.
Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press
8 Recommendations
lets be is going to be a tough game. I am no Ray Lewis fan but he's tough and he motivates that defense. I expect a win but I always expect us to win...but you can't under estimate the Ravens
about 1 hour ago
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Crickety creaking Ray Lewis, Rashard is gonna knock you're tired but back but good!
about 1 hour ago
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interesting matchup versus the ravens. always is. very low scoring hard hitting games. but steelers usuallly prevail. even as a steelers fan i usually root for baltimore when they play other teams. the passion that ray lewis plays with is something all players follow.
about 4 hours ago
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Pittsburgh Steelers
Share51Steelers will start Batch again at QB vs. RavensAssociated Press
Published: Sept. 28, 2010 at 03:56 p.m. Updated: Sept. 28, 2010 at 04:01 p.m. Liked: 8
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PITTSBURGH -- Steelers coach Mike Tomlin probably wishes his quarterback decision had been this easy all season.
Charlie Batch, buried so deep on the Steelers' depth chart that he barely practiced during training camp, will start Sunday's AFC North game against the Baltimore Ravens. Batch hasn't started successive games since midway through 2005, when Ben Roethlisberger had a right knee injury.
Wyche: Steelers overcome QB chaos
Considering the Steelers have needed to start two different quarterbacks en route to a 3-0 start, they might be the best team in the NFL, Steve Wyche writes. More ... Batch started Sunday at Tampa Bay only because Dennis Dixon had left knee surgery last week and Byron Leftwich was recovering from a left knee injury. Yet Batch completed 12 of 17 passes for 186 yards and three touchdowns -- his first scoring passes since 2007.
Leftwich, expected to start throughout Roethlisberger's four-game suspension, is healthy, but Tomlin said Tuesday that Batch earned the right to remain in the lineup. He did it through his play -- he's 4-1 as a fill-in starter since joining the Steelers in 2002 -- and through his perseverance.
Batch played only one game the previous two seasons because of injuries, and his perceived fragility was partly why Tomlin started the inexperienced Dixon in the first two games. Batch declined to criticize the decision, nor did he complain when it seemed likely the Steelers (3-0) would cut him before Leftwich was hurt during the Sept. 2 preseason finale.
"Guys have a great deal of confidence in him," Tomlin said. "He's a man who's taken advantage of an opportunity, and you've got to be happy for him. It's an awesome lesson learned for our young players, one I hope they're taking heed to. This league is about perseverance, this profession is about perseverance and taking advantage of opportunities when they're given. He's given them a shining, clear-cut example of that at this juncture."
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Tomlin isn't second-guessing his decision to start Dixon during tight victories over the Atlanta Falcons (15-9) and Tennessee Titans (19-11), even though Batch threw Pittsburgh's first three TD passes of the season. Batch also looked more polished and comfortable than Dixon.
Dixon will be out for up to six weeks, but the Steelers don't plan to put him on the injured reserve list.
Roethlisberger is eligible to return to practice next week, when the Steelers have a bye. He will start Oct. 17 against the Cleveland Browns.
Tomlin won't dispute that his players' determination to prove their season wouldn't be derailed by Roethlisberger's four-game suspension has played into their 3-0 start. The Steelers can go 4-0 for the first time since 1979 by beating the Ravens (2-1), who have lost nine of their last 10 games at Heinz Field.
"I just acknowledge we're dealing with a situation here and we acknowledge the fact that some of this situation is our doing," Tomlin said. "We've got to fight our way out of it. I think that's more the mentality of our team than anything else."
While the Steelers' unbeaten record is largely the result of a defense that hasn't allowed a touchdown in the first three quarters, Baltimore's defense is No. 1 overall. Pittsburgh is No. 6, dragged down partly by a No. 17 ranking against the pass.
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The Ravens are No. 1 against the pass, but they are only 23rd against the run after allowing Cleveland's Peyton Hillis to run for 144 yards during Baltimore's 24-17 victory Sunday.
Tomlin saw that statistic and went, "Uh, oh."
"The fact Cleveland had some success doesn't bode well for us. I'd felt better if Peyton Hillis had run for 40 as opposed to 140 because I know the type of men that play for that (Baltimore) team," Tomlin said. "Great defenses like the Baltimore Ravens usually bounce back quickly."
The status of backup nose tackle Chris Hoke (sprained knee) and right guard Trai Essex (ankle) will be determined later in the week. Essex was replaced against Tampa Bay by Doug Legursky, who made his first NFL start.
Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press
8 Recommendations
lets be is going to be a tough game. I am no Ray Lewis fan but he's tough and he motivates that defense. I expect a win but I always expect us to win...but you can't under estimate the Ravens
about 1 hour ago
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Crickety creaking Ray Lewis, Rashard is gonna knock you're tired but back but good!
about 1 hour ago
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interesting matchup versus the ravens. always is. very low scoring hard hitting games. but steelers usuallly prevail. even as a steelers fan i usually root for baltimore when they play other teams. the passion that ray lewis plays with is something all players follow.
about 4 hours ago
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Ravens cut DE Pryce, who might return; Hamlin re-signed
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Baltimore Ravens
Share3Ravens cut DE Pryce, who might return; Hamlin Wire Reports
Published: Sept. 29, 2010 at 10:10 a.m. Updated: Sept. 29, 2010 at 03:56 p.m. Liked: 5
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The Baltimore Ravens waived defensive end Trevor Pryce, who had a team-leading 6.5 sacks last season, but coach John Harbaugh said Wednesday the team likely will soon re-sign the 14-year NFL veteran.
The roster move makes room for safety Ken Hamlin, who was released by the Ravens last week. Hamlin probably will contribute on special teams in Sunday's game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Pryce ranks third in sacks among active players with 90, but he has only one tackle this season. Pryce, 35, hasn't started in any of Baltimore's three games.
Pryce, who signed with the Ravens in 2006, took a $2.5 million pay cut this past offseason -- to $2 million.
Harbaugh said there's a "high possibility" that Pryce will return, perhaps as soon as next week.
"You've got roster issues that you deal with. It's not something we wanted to do," Harbaugh said. "Trevor is a big part of what we're doing here, and we anticipate getting him back. It's just what we had to do for now."
Hamlin has played in 100 games, including two for the Ravens this season, totaling 565 tackles, 14 interceptions and five sacks during his eight-year career.
"We said before we wanted him back," Harbaugh said. "He figures into our plans the rest of the year."
Harbaugh insisted that Hamlin was simply a better fit on the roster for this week.
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"We're going to put the 45 best guys out there," he said. "I would rather have Trevor here this week playing, but we're not able to do that. We just have a numbers situation."
Pryce's locker hadn't been cleared out Wednesday.
"It's totally different not having him here," said offensive tackle Marshall Yanda, whose locker is next to Pryce's. "I guess that's part of the business."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
5 Recommendations
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about 1 hour ago
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The Bills....Ta-Tonka?
about 2 hours ago
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Rex, forget about Edwards, this guy got something left ?
about 2 hours ago
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Suspended Big Ben to Lewis: I wish I could play vs. Ravens Ravens release Pryce for now, re-sign Hamlin Harbaugh: Ravens RB Rice has 'significant' knee contusion Boldin's three TDs help Ravens top Browns Ravens agree to deal with rookie Kindle, who will go on IR Browns seek first win with date at Baltimore up next Williams back to Ravens after serving two-game suspension Ravens' Harbaugh fined $15K for bumping ref Ravens assistant coach Moeller charged with DUI Bengals use five Nugent field goals to beat Ravens Subscribe More News >
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Baltimore Ravens
Share3Ravens cut DE Pryce, who might return; Hamlin Wire Reports
Published: Sept. 29, 2010 at 10:10 a.m. Updated: Sept. 29, 2010 at 03:56 p.m. Liked: 5
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The Baltimore Ravens waived defensive end Trevor Pryce, who had a team-leading 6.5 sacks last season, but coach John Harbaugh said Wednesday the team likely will soon re-sign the 14-year NFL veteran.
The roster move makes room for safety Ken Hamlin, who was released by the Ravens last week. Hamlin probably will contribute on special teams in Sunday's game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Pryce ranks third in sacks among active players with 90, but he has only one tackle this season. Pryce, 35, hasn't started in any of Baltimore's three games.
Pryce, who signed with the Ravens in 2006, took a $2.5 million pay cut this past offseason -- to $2 million.
Harbaugh said there's a "high possibility" that Pryce will return, perhaps as soon as next week.
"You've got roster issues that you deal with. It's not something we wanted to do," Harbaugh said. "Trevor is a big part of what we're doing here, and we anticipate getting him back. It's just what we had to do for now."
Hamlin has played in 100 games, including two for the Ravens this season, totaling 565 tackles, 14 interceptions and five sacks during his eight-year career.
"We said before we wanted him back," Harbaugh said. "He figures into our plans the rest of the year."
Harbaugh insisted that Hamlin was simply a better fit on the roster for this week.
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"We're going to put the 45 best guys out there," he said. "I would rather have Trevor here this week playing, but we're not able to do that. We just have a numbers situation."
Pryce's locker hadn't been cleared out Wednesday.
"It's totally different not having him here," said offensive tackle Marshall Yanda, whose locker is next to Pryce's. "I guess that's part of the business."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
5 Recommendations
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about 1 hour ago
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The Bills....Ta-Tonka?
about 2 hours ago
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Rex, forget about Edwards, this guy got something left ?
about 2 hours ago
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Ravens winning over the Browns (part II)
Well I'm back to finish off the second of my Ravens blog: I want to start off by saying Why do the refs are always hating on Baltimore? Please answer me this question? So on that note let me start. 1WinningDrive: The #Ravens' streak of not allowing a touchdown lasted nine quarters and 14 minutes, 46 seconds. Peyton Hillis gets in on the left side on a 1-yard gain. TOUCHDOWN Browns. This guy is a beast! a picture of Peyton Hillis And now here comes the Penalty fest!!!!!!!!! And on one play a Browns recieve had caught a pass short of a first down, and then when the ref put the ball back on the field to start the next play. The ref gave the Browns the first down, given them 2 to 3 extra inches for the first "WTF". 1WinningDrive: Derrick Mason gets flagged for delay of game for tossing the ball behind him in the air. A frustration penalty. At this point of the game to add insult to injury of the game, here is Peyton Hillis again, scoring another touchdown for the Browns: 1WinningDrive: Browns RB Peyton Hillis now has 19 carries for 141 yards. Wow!!! He's a beast!!!!!! 1WinningDrive: Big scrum on a false start. Todd Heap jumped off and the Browns seemed to start the fight. Who gets the flag? How many more penalties can the ravens get? Really? Guess who the penalty was on? Thats right the Ravens again. 1WinningDrive: #Ravens' Michael Oher is penalized for unnecessary roughness 15-yards. Oher took a swing at Robaire Smith after Smith got physical with Heap. Now comes the fun part the game highlights: Browns vs Ravens game highlights And the post game press conferences Browns press conference after the game. Post game press conference the Ravens: Ravens post game press conference
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