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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Do something daring

As Mark Twain said: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Simply this means take yourself out of your comfort zone, like for instance when I started writing, and mixing my own music. Even before that I was taking music lessons in Piano, Keyboards,Guitar, and Bass Guitar. All at the same time and the question that I kept asking myself was always: "Am I as good as anyone else?" So what I had done, while I was living in Maryland. Was that I had challenged myself, by going and taking summer music classes and one of the best music schools in Maryland, and in the United States. Which was Peabody Institute of John Hopkins University. And you know what I had found that I was pretty talented myself. I had started taking classes for beginners, and wanted to see if I could fair pretty good against their beginners. And what I had found out was that most of the students were either below my knowledge or at the same spot as myself. Which actually made me feel pretty good about myself. And so from that point on in the field of playing musical instruments that I had talent. So after a while of taking musical lessons, I wanted to do more like play in a band. But my mother had talked me out of doing that for that I was getting too old for it. So I had quiet doing that, but then I was working at a warehouse like 5 years later from the time that I had went to Peabody Institute. I wanted to get back in the music field again, so after speaking to a fellow co-worker for a few months at work. I had gotten the idea of writing, and mixing my own music. So what I had done I done some research online and figured out how to accomplish. So I downloaded my first DAW (Digital Audio workstation) which actually happen to be Magix music maker. And from there thats when I had started making, and mixing my own music. So for anyone that is interested in the song that I had created it is called:
And here is the direct link to where you can find the song and other music in my portfolio:
Dj Duece Music Portfolio
So after this song was writing and everything thing I had put it up on the internet. And from that point on it was a hit to me and my friends and family they loved it. So after making a few more songs the challenged at this point was to play it for members of any A & R Group or management in the music industry. And was once I got the feedback and realized that they liked it too, then I knew from there that everything was good in my mind and I was siked to going in this field. And have been doing ever since. And from now on all I've been trying to do is to get better.

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